30 April 2006

A Burrito Shared Doesn't Usually Make Your Belly Hurt, But Maybe This One Was Tainted? Or Maybe it Was The Agua Fresca...

chile relleno
in my burrito half--good!
but now i feel sick

27 April 2006

Who Am I Kidding, I've Wished This Forever...

lately I desire
to drink myself to slumber
there i get reprieve

He's Here But I Miss Him

ever since he works
no longer night-companion
just a lump in bed

24 April 2006

Dinner at Dona Tomas The Other Night

First Course
crema topped sopes,
ceviche, tequila drinks,
favas on sopes!

MM's Entree
grilled asparagus
next to cheeks of halibut
silky corn pudding

My Entree
rice, beans, tortillas,
cebollitas, carnitas:
deep fried pork...i drool

best server? sahar
but i'm too full for dessert
damn, gotta go back.

23 April 2006

Today I'll Catch Up on Haikus

when i lag, he's there
cracking the whip, persuading
me to write another

I Volunteer at the SPCA and I Have Designs to Fashion

furry dogs barking
my sewing machine beckons
no kickball today

20 April 2006

03:27 AM

i was sleeping fine
but suddenly i did scream
a nightmare perhaps?

Last Night's Show at Mama Buzz

if this indicates
how hot this summer will be--
fucking sweltering

15 April 2006

Some Reasons Why I Dislike Going "Home"

cats at my parents'
all fluffy hairs and dander
makes me sneeze and wheeze

let's go out to eat
no good restaurants--only chains
with cluttered menus

salty food abounds
my overstuffed sushi drowns
in colorful sauce

white suburbanites
aplenty with s.u.v.'s
i hate being here.

13 April 2006

Too Bad I Have To Use a Sewing Machine To Do My Work

so fucking gorgeous
sit outside, drinking beers is
all i wanna do

11 April 2006

Plea Unanswered

rain please stop because
craft night, apartment viewing,
a walk, must commence

I Hate Going To Berkeley Bowl

forgot faux i-pod,
too many jerks, long-ass lines,
baby pukes in cart

10 April 2006

Hi Ellen, Ethiopian Dinner For Us?

nice to sup with you
whom i haven't seen so long
let's eat with our hands

Bad Gas
the sounds of my butt
are numerous lately i
feel great discomfort

09 April 2006

Hi-Lo Film Festival at the Parkway

high concept, low budge
mainly unimpressed--robot
media redux?

Walking to APE from BART

fat woman in bag
and two drinking indigents
call out as I pass

two puddles of puke--
nasty! but nastier still--
pigeons eating it

overly friendly
come read my shit and buy it too
no thanks, have no cash

Drink In The Sun
they've a patio
good bloody marys and beer
too many people

My Bag's Descent
mud puddles on ground
"please put my bag over there"
watch out! damn you mark!

It Must've Been My Face
sierra, megan
why do you think I hate you?
I swear I do not!

07 April 2006

Dinner at Ochame

mushroom onion cakes
seared oni, tofu dumplings
salmon in broth, pears

liza to my left
kids make me play twenty q's
jonah throws a fit

outside he must go
all the diners stare at him
"dessert to go, please"

06 April 2006

MM Is Addicted To Project Runway

rent it and watch it
eventually, he'll learn
to pine for next disc

05 April 2006

Poor Backpack

abandoned, (stolen?)
contents strewn about sidewalk
notebook with homework

Are My Haikus Correct?

this word: abandoned
how many syllables here?
i think it has three

03 April 2006

I Hate To Feel This Way

awful mood, pissed off
so irritable, you hate me
and i hate you too.

02 April 2006

What I Did Yesterday

parents were in town
j-town restaurant? food alright
but service sucks hard

golden gate park lake
turtles on logs, many birds
man-made waterfall

one large is enough
for five people. you know why?
zachary's pizza

Friday Night Fun

sing karaoke
for aaron's birthday party
special cookies too
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